by Khalid Ajmain
Most of us are well versed with some Mawlid readings such as Mawlid Dibai, Berzanji, Simtur Duror and Dhiyaull Lam'. Alhamdulilah, this is due to the exposure we often receive from the gathering of the Majlis mawlid during the month of Rabiul Awwal or any important functions. We celebrate our love for our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w through these ceremony, reading his biography. There are more than 500 different types of Mawlid around the world today. However, beside Mawlid, we have the Qasidah Burdah, although its very popular among the Muslims around the world today but in Singapore we lack exposure of Burdah. Not many know what is Burdah or the significant of it. Perhaps, its time we discover the beauty of Burdah and organize such Majlis at our home.
In Indonesia, its a normal routine for the students in the Pesantren to read Burdah on the Friday morning after subuh or Saturday afternoon. Some having it thrice a week while others may have it the whole week in the early morning. In Java, Burdah is one of their Spiritual Culture. Some even make the sound of Burdah localized by having Gamelan as the background music or Seruling during the Chorus. This attract the locals, thousand and thousand singing the tunes of the Beloved ones. Even during the time of Wali Songo, such propagation music with Burdah had been done. I attended before during my days in Solo. It was an amazing experience in such blessed gathering where you feel the presence of Love because they were reciting and singing the love for our Beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. If the hearts are sincere, no doubt they sure find the real essence of Love. This is the Spiritual Culture we need to revive here. I am positively sure if we have such gathering our youth will enjoy it and at the same time benefit all of us.
The blessings of Burdah we can learn from the history of Burdah which was compose by Imam Busairi. Imam Busairi was a paralyzed man. Many of the doctors and physicians had lost hope for his recovery. One day he decided to write in praise of the Prophet, whom we Muslims consider the dearest of all to God. On a Thursday night, determined and focussed, he retreated into isolation and began his composition. After its completion, he supplicated God for better health. Upon falling asleep, he dreamt of a visit from the Prophet, who commanded him to recite the poem he had written. Imam Busairi then complained that his paralysis had impedimented his speech, to which the Prophet s.a.w. responded by passing his hand over the affected areas. Miraculously, the shaykh was freed from his disease. He began his recitation, during which the Prophet rocked from side to side in appreciation. At the recital's cessation, the Prophet gifted Imam BÅ«sairi his scarf (burda). When the poet awoke, he found himself enshrouded in the same and he was cured miraculously.
I remembered Mawlana Shaykh Hisham told us another story about Imam Busairi. He said "One day there is a group of students walking with their Shaykh along the river, they discovered the water of the river is hot boiling, out of curiosity the Shaykh instructed one of the student to check why is the water of the river in such condition. So the student followed where the water flows then he met Imam Busairi, his leg was in the water while he was reciting Burdah. It was because of his Love for the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w was so intense and deep, the water started to boil. Shaykh Zakaria Bagharib told me before his experience in Khalwat (Seclusion) when he was send by Shaykh Hisham. He said without failed we completed the reading of Burdah in Khalwat everyday in 1 hour. He continued, we can feel the baraqah after reading it for 45 days. According to many Islamic Sufi Scholars, if you read Burdah for 10 days, you will meet the prophet s.a.w in your dreams or in the presence.
Many had share their experience of miracles after reading the Burdah or attending the majlis itself. We know there are many virtues and miracles of reading Burdah but our ultimate aim is to ensure our hearts will find the real love with our Beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. May our love be in the state of sincerity by reading Burdah and attending such Majlis.