Tuesday, October 23, 2007

HAFLAH DZIKIR, MAULIDURRASUL SAW & HAUL AKBAR Shaykh Abdul Qadir al Jelani q.s 2007M

Assalamu'alaikum wr wbt,To each & all my Muslim brethren,With this e-mail, let us invoke the highest of praises to Allah SWT, Alhamdulillah, wassyukrulillah, whereby till this very breath by Allah SWT, we are still blessed with the ni'mat of Islam and Iman, may our Islam & Iman be preserved in our hearts till we are granted husnul khotimah & not forgetting salutations of Sholawats & Salams toRasulullah SAW, his Ahlul Bayt, Sahabah,'Alim Ulama', Masyaikh, Masters of the Way (Ahli Turuq), & those who follow them till the end of time,as a true feeling of gratitude & joy that by His grace, we enjoined our living hearts.
By the blessings of the abovementioned, may our future seven descendants to come till Yaumil Qiyyamah, be showered with rahmah, marghfiroh,barokah, & attain the saintly karomah & qurba, nearness to Allah SWT, in our 'ibadah & dzikir & in our quest for the red sulphur.
Herein, with utmost appreciation of your presence in the auspicious congregation of Haflah Dzikir, Maulidur Rasul S.A.W & Haul Akbar 2007@An-Nur Mosque, No. 6 Admiralty RoadSunday, 08:00am28 October 2007 / 16 Syawal 1428H
Istighotsah, Surah Yaasin, Manaqib of Sulthonul Awliya' Sayyidina AsySyeikh Abdul Qodir Al-Jiilani RA, Tahlil, Qosidah, Maulid Ad-Daibai', Mau'idzo Hasanah, Heartfelt Supplications in the fashion of SalafunasSholeh will all be Expounded in the blessed majlis....For your priceless attentionJazakumullah Khoiron Katsiro Wafiron Marghfuro Fiddarain, Amin....
Jointly organized by An-Nur Mosque Management Board & Jama'ah AL KHIDMAH
For enquiries, plse call Muhd Husayn (96693965) www.alkhidmah. com


Unknown said...


The path of reality said...

MashAllah, wonderful message, please log into my blogspot also
www.haqquliman.blogspot.com - wasalam Dr Ismail kassim - malaysia Kuala Lumpur.