Monday, July 30, 2007

Haul Habib Isa al Haddad

Salaam everyone,

I pray you are in the state of good health in this blessed month of Rejab. I would like to inform there will be Haul of Habib Isa al Haddad and Habib Ali al Haddad on this coming saturday 4th August after solat Asar at Masjid Abdul Razak (Jalan Ismail, Singapore). All are welcome.

Habib Salim al Shatri and Habib Munzir will be the honour guests for this blessing event.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Habib Salim Bin Abdullah Bin Umar As-Shatiri

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Alhamdulillah, Singapore will soon be blessed by the visit of a renowned Islamic scholar, the eminent Habib Salim Bin Abdullah Bin Umar As-Shatiri. He is the Principal of Rubat, an Islamic learning institute that is over 100 years old, based in Tarim, Hadhramaut, Yemen.

Insha'Allah Habib Salim As-Shatiri will be delivering several lectures in Arabic, with consecutive translation in Malay.

The following are the details:

Thursday 2 August 2007
Kuliah Zuhr "Importance of Knowledge"
Time: Zuhr
Venue: Masjid Hj Muhd Salleh (Maqam Habib Nuh, Palmer Road)

Reading of Ratib Al-Attas with Habib Salim As-Shatiri Time:
Maghrib Prayer
Venue: Masjid Ba'alwie (5 Lewis Road)

Friday 3 August 2007
Khutbah Jumaat
Masa: Jumaat Prayer
Venue: Masjid Sultan (3 Muscat Street)

Public Lecture: "Traditional Islamic Values in a Modern World"
Time: Maghrib Prayer
Venue: Masjid Abdul Aleem Siddique (90 Lorong K Telok Kurau)
The Majlis will begin with Maulid recitation

Saturday 4 August 2007
Haul of Habib Esa al Haddad and Habib Ali al Haddad
Time: 'Asr Prayer
Venue: Masjid Al Abdul Razak (Jalan Ismail)

The above programmes are organised by Masjid Abdul Aleem Siddique, in collaboration with Masjid Ba'alwie, Masjid Sultan, Masjid Hj Muhd Salleh and Masjid Al Abdul Razak.

suffers for Love

He who suffers for Love
does not suffer
for all suffering is Forgot

Meister Eckhart

Friday, July 27, 2007

The knowledge sublime I acquired from one

The following four lines in Malay form Shaykh Hamzah Fansuri as given in Syed Naguib al-Attas' Some Aspects of Sufism as Understood and Practiced Among the Malays, p 22

Hamzah nin asalnya Fansuri
Mendapat wujud ditanah Shahar Nawi
Beroleh Khilafat ilmu yang ali
Daripada Abdul Qadir Sayyid Jilani

I Hamzah who am of Fansur a son
At Shahar Nawi my being have won
The knowledge sublime I acquired from one
Called Abdul Qadir Sayyid of Jilan.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Masjid "Agung" Demak : A Monument of Faith and Love

This is the Masjid "Agung" Demak or Grand Mosque built by the famous " Wali Songo", Java. It symbolize peace, love and tolerance. I was there to witness this monument of faith and a beauty of humanity that makes your heart in the state of tranquility each time urs eye gaze its minaret.The reason why you will feel so ease when you are this mosque is because of those who had build this mosque believe in love and faith and the effect of the baraqa remain till today. There are thousand stories untold on the history of this mosque.However, as modern life took control, we find it difficult to believe and understand behind each wisdom and stories that happened within this mosque.The only thing we learnt from this mosque is the importance of love within society which is building the solidarity on humanity.

Unlike today, Islam is in the hands of extremism which dehumanize millions of lives. Let us study and visit the history of those whom have embarked on the journey to God. They sacrificed their lives for us. Through them, millions embrace Islam without a single bloodshed. Have we ever wonder how we lost the value and secret of love? Today this mosque remain as a form of history to most of us but nevertheless remind ourselves each time when we hear a news of muslim extremism, take a look at the picture of this mosque and ask ourselves did these Walis did the same thing? No, they didnt. They were the inheritance of our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. so they spread love not hatred, giving flowers not sword.
(entrance of masjid Agung)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Peringatan dari Mualim Zakariya Bagharib

Sohbat oleh Shaykh Zakariya Bagharib, Masjid Kampung Siglap Singapore, Kamis Malam Jumat 5 Juli 2007
Dedy van Delft

Tentang Maut, Fadhilah Beberapa Surat, dan Karamah Beberapa Keluarga Hadrami

Shaykh Zakaria menjelaskan tentang doa yang dibaca setelah membaca al-Mu’awwidzatain (Surat Al-Falaq dan An-Naas) sebagai berikut:
“A’uudzu bika –llAhumma min syarri dzaalika kullih”
Maknanya: Aku berlindung pada-Mu ya Allah dari kejahatan semua itu

Shaykh Zakariya kemudian menjelaskan bahwa kepada orang yang tengah sakit atau sakaratul maut, bila dibacakan Surat Ar-Ra’du kepadanya, maka akan dimudahkan atau dipercepat: dipercepat sembuh atau dipercepat wafat. Beliau bercerita ketika beliau diundang menjenguk seseorang yang tengah sakaratul maut selama 30 hari, tak juga meninggal dunia. Hal itu disebabkan orang tersebut memelihara banyak jin. Ketika Shaykh Zakariya Bagharib mendatanginya, nampak jin-jin tersebut marah. Ketika Shaykh Zakariya mulai membacakan surat Ar-Ra’du, nampak api di mata orang tersebut. Shaykh Zakariya Bagharib pun membaca ta’awudz dalam hati beliau, dan tak memandang ke mata orang tersebut, sambil terus membaca surat Ar Ra’du. Alhamdulillah, setelah itu, orang tersebut dapat wafat dengan mudah.

Bila menjenguk orang yang akan wafat, baik juga dibacakan Surat Fatihah dan Surat Yaasin. Insya Allah dengan barakah surat tersebut, Malaikat akan menyertai saat orang tersebut dimandikan, dikafani, disalati, dan dikuburkan.

Saat malam dzikir tersebut, memang besan Shaykh Zakariya Bagharib (mertua dari putrid beliau) baru saja meninggal dunia. Shaykh Zakariya membaca ayat Quran berikut:
“Idzaa Jaa-a ajalukum laa yasta’khiruuna wa laa yastaqdimuun”
“Jika ajal telah mendatangimu maka tak akan dapat ditunda dan tak akan dapat pula dimajukan”

Dan ajal kematian akan mendatangi kita semua.
“Kullu nafsin dzaa-iqatul mawt”
“Setiap yang bernyawa akan merasakan maut”

Karena itu tak perlu takut akan kematian. Hadapi saja, dalam menuju alam berikutnya: Alam Barzakh: Ba’ Ra’ Zai Kha’. Dan untuk menghindari azab di alam itu (azab Qubur), maka baguslah dibaca Surat Al- Mulk, setiap ba’da Zuhur dan Isya’ seperti dalam Adab Awrad Naqshbandi.

Surat Al-Kahfi adalah juga surat yang bagus untuk dibaca. Khususnya pada malam Jumat hingga hari Jumat sampai saat khatib hendak menyampaikan khutbahnya. Dengan membaca surat Al Kahfi, pancaran hati akan terbuka, dan cahayanya memancar hingga Ka’bah. Karena Ka’bah pun memiliki cahayanya sendiri pula, cahaya tersebut akan terpantul dan bertambah, menuju hati kembali. Hati sang pembaca Surat Al-Kahfi akan lebih bercahaya.

Mengenai keistimewaan beberapa keluarga Hadrami

Habib ‘Ali Al-Aydarus pernah bercerita bahwa Rasulullah (s) pernah menyuruh keluarga Al-Aydarus untuk pergi ke Kairo, Mesir, dengan membawa secarik surat kertas kosong dari beliau (s). Setiap kali ada pertanyaan dari ulama’ Kairo, cukup dengan melihat pada kertas kosong itu, maka akan tahu jawabannya.

Keluarga Al-Jufri terkenal akan karamahnya dalam kemurahan menjamu tetamu. Bila menyuguhkan jamuan makanan, maka tak akan habis sekalipun 10.000an orang berdatangan.

Keluarga Bafadhil terkenal akan kelebihannya dalam obat-obatan.

Keluarga Bagharib, terkenal kembali ke Yaman untuk menjadi mu’allim, guru yang mengajar agama. Sebagai contoh, kakek buyut ke-5 dari Shaykh Zakariya Bagharib adalah guru Al-Quran dari Imam Abdullah bin Alwi Al-Haddad, Sahibur Ratib Al-Haddad.

Kunci menjadi sufi: Sucikan hati dan berdzikirlah non-stop “Allah Allah Allah….”
Karena Allah Ta’ala berfirman dalam Al Quran:
“Wa kalimatullahi hiya l-‘Ulya”
“Dan kata-kata ‘Allah’ itu lebih tinggi dari apa pun”

Bahkan kalimah “Allah” lebih kuat dari bom atom. Seandainya seluruh ummat Islam berpakaian sunnah: gamis dan turban, membaca dengan serentak dan seragam “Allah Allah Allah…”, tentulah ummat lain akan “terkencik-kencik” (tergetar hatinya).

SYARAT-nya: Saat engkau mengucapkannya, ucapkan dengan IKHLAS!!!
“Mukhlisiina lahu d-diin”
“Menjadi ikhlas bagi-Nya dalam beragama”

Syaratnya: Muslim à Mu’min à Muhsin à Mukhlis. Orang yang ikhlas, orang yang tak punya hidden agenda (agenda atau niatan tersembunyi) .
I'm sorry this post is in malay. We try to translate this important advice by our beloved teacher Mualim Zakariya Bagharib

Advice for the seekers

One must not take notice of someone else's faults and be drawn in criticism and judgment. Otherwise, one ends up ignoring one's own faults.

The Path is similar to a large hospital where the master (shaykh) is the only physician. How can a patient blame another patient for not feeling well? It is therefore important to magnify each other's best qualities.

Look at your brothers and sisters as being perfect, if solely for their link to the Path. Progressively you will notice that the entire Divine Creation is perfect. He who sees a fault in the other only notices his own faults. The mureed is learning, he/she has not yet arrived. Be merciful!

Concealing each other's faults gives elevation and healing, outpourings of criticism do nothing except damage oneself and ones progress. If we are in need we must reach out for help, Mawlana puts people in our path to help.

Shaykh Hazem

Pic on the right (Shaykh Hazem is the Wakil of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Haqqani in Australia together with Shaykh Adnan Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, Caliph)