Saturday, September 3, 2011

Eid mubarak

Its been a very long time since I updated this blog. I have this profound tendency not to update the blog from time to time. At the same time, I feel I am not in the right frame of mind. Somehow, I lost the willpower or the fight to write something on how and what I feel. It just not me, in the meantime I need to learn how to write better english. Reading does help but to what extend when I read and then I doze off..Read again then doze off..hehehe Not much things to write or share but I am sure needing your prayer for me and my family. Eid Mubarak everyone. Selamat Hari raya. This year Raya wont be the same like ever before since my mom had passed away. However, I realize the time will come sooner or later. The people you love had to leave you or you will eventually leave them, thats the rule or game in this world, nothing last forever except Allah. My beloved Shaykh Mahy taught me, whenever i think of my mom or any sadness said Alhamdulilah, Alhamdulilah and read selawat fatih. Somehow this work for my heart. Alhamdulilah. When you beginning to realize the journey in life have no return, you know you gotta focus only on Allah.

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